The Wall Street Journal-20080130-Health Body Studies Resistance to Tamiflu

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Health Body Studies Resistance to Tamiflu

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Reuters News Service

GENEVA -- The World Health Organization said it was studying whether some seasonal flu viruses may be resistant to Tamiflu, after a study showed high levels of resistance in parts of Europe.

A preliminary survey issued Monday by the European Center for Disease Control said that of 148 samples of influenza A virus isolated from 10 European countries, 19 showed signs of resistance to the Roche Holding AG drug.

WHO, a U.N. agency, began a global risk assessment yesterday, contacting national influenza institutes and laboratories that help it track antiviral susceptibility.

Authorities in countries including Japan, where Tamiflu is prescribed for ordinary flu, reported they hadn't seen any unusual resistance to Tamiflu, WHO expert Frederick Hayden said.

"Based on initial reports, it is not a global problem now but it is a global concern," Dr. Hayden said.

Pending completion of its review, the WHO wasn't changing its recommendations that oseltamivir -- the generic name for Tamiflu -- is the first drug for treatment and prevention of both ordinary flu and avian flu contracted by humans, he said.

