The Wall Street Journal-20080116-Noted---
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ADVANCE PUBLICATIONS Inc. (Staten Island, N.Y.) -- William Li was named publisher of Conde[ Nast Portfolio for Conde Nast Publications, a unit of this media company, effective Feb. 1. Mr. Li, 38 years old, succeeds David Carey. Mr. Carey remains group president and publishing director for Conde Nast Publications. Mr. Li was publisher of Men's Vogue, a Conde Nast magazine.
BEAR STEARNS Cos. (New York) -- Michael Minikes was named chief executive of Bear, Stearns Securities Corp., the global clearing services subsidiary of this financial services company. The position is new. Mr. Minikes, 64, was treasurer of Bear Stearns Cos. and co- president Bear, Stearns Securities Corp. Robert Upton succeeds him as treasurer of Bear Stearns Cos. Mr. Upton, 47, was treasurer of Bear Stearns Co., Bear Stearns's brokerage unit.
BJ'S WHOLESALE CLUB Inc. (Natick, Mass.) -- Laura Sen was named president, chief operating officer and a director of this membership warehouse club, effective immediately. Ms. Sen, 51, succeeds Herb Zarkin, 69, who continues as chairman and chief executive. Ms. Sen, who was executive vice president of merchandising and logistics, is succeeded by Christina Neppl. Ms. Neppl, 47, was senior vice president and controller. Senior Vice President of Finance Robert Eddy, 35, assumes the financial departments formerly managed by Ms. Neppl.
Also, Bruce Graham, 55, senior vice president and general merchandising manager of consumables, assumes the additional title of general merchandising manager of perishables. Mark Titlebaum was named to the vacant post of senior vice president, general manager of general merchandise. Mr. Titlebaum, 44, was vice president and divisional merchandise manager of consumables.
MPRM PUBLIC RELATIONS (Los Angeles) -- Alan Amman was appointed executive vice president and chief operating officer of this public- relations and marketing firm, effective immediately. The post is new. Mr. Amman, 50, was senior vice president of general entertainment.
WAL-MART STORES Inc. (Los Angeles) -- Vicente Trius was named to the newly created post of executive vice president, president and chief executive of Wal-Mart Asia, International, part of this retailer, effective Feb. 1. Mr. Trius, 50, was president and chief executive of Wal-Mart Brazil. He will be succeeded by Hector Nunez, 45, executive vice president and chief operating officer of the Brazil unit.
WM. WRIGLEY JR. CO. (Chicago) -- This maker of chewing gum appointed Rob Peterson vice president and chief innovation officer, effective July 1. Mr. Peterson, 40, succeeds Surinder Kumar, 63, who is retiring. Mr. Peterson was vice president, new products and packaging.