The New York Times-20080129-The Tug of War for America-s Heart- -Letter-
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The Tug of War for America's Heart; [Letter]
Full Text (1036 words)To the Editor:
Re Obama Carries South Carolina by Wide Margin (front page, Jan. 27):
Propelled by South Carolina's winning results, Senator Barack Obama is even with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at two and two in contested early-voting states, and the Democratic Party's nomination race is now headed toward an exciting finish.
This forceful fight between the two most eligible presidential contenders can become more spirited if both candidates focus on thrashing out the core issues confronting our country and refrain from making any personal attacks and unwarranted and unfounded criticism.
If this is adopted as the unwritten code of conduct for all elections, the voters will have an opportunity to make a well-informed decision based on the candidates' merits and vision for America's betterment, notwithstanding any race or gender factor.
After all, endorsing the right candidate and hoping the best for America and its people will in fact be every voter's own self-introspection test in the primaries as well in the national balloting.
Atul M. Karnik
Woodside, Queens, Jan. 27, 2008
To the Editor:
Bingo! In A President Like My Father (Op-Ed, Jan. 27), Caroline Kennedy got it exactly right.
In February 1963, I entered the Peace Corps, eager to serve my president and the ideals of my country in a remote mountain village in Colombia. There, a world away, villagers knew about, admired, respected and even loved John F. Kennedy, one couple naming their newborn son John Kennedy Muelas.
Later, as a college professor for 35 years, I somewhat nostalgically displayed President Kennedy's picture in my office, but his image was also a reminder that no occupant of the White House has been nearly so inspirational since Nov. 22, 1963.
Now we have Barack Obama, and as I sense so strongly that the old power to inspire is back, I realize how important it is, not only for our country, but also for the whole world. Thank you, Caroline, for saying it so well.
Paul Mundschenk
Carbondale, Ill., Jan. 27, 2008
To the Editor:
Caroline Kennedy states that she is supporting Senator Barack Obama, because he, like her father, will get us to believe in ourselves and make us feel inspired and hopeful. That is all well and good, but the reality is that, while he was inspirational, the verdict on her father's short presidency is very mixed.
He fell into the debacle of the Bay of Pigs, escalated the Vietnam War and, fortunately for him, did not receive any press scrutiny on his ties to organized crime as well as his excessive extramarital dalliances in the White House.
While it is great to be inspired, our times also call for competence, leadership and substantive experience to bring about the real changes toward universal health care, fiscal responsibility, environmental stewardship and so much more that will make us truly believe in ourselves. The candidate who can best bring that to fruition is Hillary Rodham Clinton. Maggie Atwood
Hackensack, N.J., Jan. 27, 2008
To the Editor:
My first time voting was for Caroline Kennedy's father, John F. Kennedy. He was the candidate for many of us enthusiastic youth in the days when we believed that this was our country and that those of us in it could do wonders together with strong leadership.
Under Kennedy's presidency we were inspired to hope and to believe and to work. We were privileged to experience his leadership. We have been cheated of that inspiration by his death and subsequent presidents.
I am 68 years old, and though disappointed and in mourning for that loss, I am once again filled with the charged enthusiasm and hope that Caroline expresses. Mary Jo Olsen
Bellingham, Wash., Jan. 27, 2008
To the Editor:
Caroline Kennedy's moving endorsement of Senator Barack Obama highlights what I feel is the most important thing any leader does: Set a tone. A great leader inspires and appeals to our highest ideals, our hopes and our dreams. A great leader brings us together and helps us to see the good in one another.
The Bush administration has spent seven years stirring up our fear and intolerance, weakening our Constitution, our social fabric, our economy, our civil liberties and our reputation abroad in the process. Let's be great again, America! Margaret Caldwell
Shorewood, Wis., Jan. 27, 2008
To the Editor:
Re Questions for the Clintons, by Bob Herbert (column, Jan. 26): Mr. Herbert took a piece of a complimentary statement I made about Senator Barack Obama's being qualified to be president, imputed that my motive was to slime the senator, sandwiched a few of my words between a statement by Andrew Young and a vile anonymous Internet posting, and rested his case.
Though I am generally not surprised by this technique, as a regular reader of Mr. Herbert, I was surprised by his use of the device. I attribute this to the passions this campaign has aroused.
This letter is written to restate my compliment of Senator Obama.
If he becomes president of the United States, his experience will give him the capacity to undo much of the damage we have done to our standing in Muslim communities without weakening our resolve to keep ourselves safe from terrorist Islamic groups. Bob Kerrey
New York, Jan. 27, 2008
To the Editor:
Thanks to Bob Herbert for questioning the Clinton campaign. It has become obvious to me that the Clintons view the American public only as potential voters, and not as fellow citizens. While they continue to insist that political spin and negative tactics are all just in fun, the Clintons consistently and dangerously ignore the devastating material effects of their efforts.
As a college student growing up during the Bush-Clinton era, I have been forced to live within the wreckage of such divisiveness, learning to expect nothing but incompetence from government and complacency from citizens. Thank goodness for Barack Obama, who has encouraged my generation not only to go out and vote, but also to believe that government can play a role in uplifting its people.
Thanks to his campaign, I now know what true political leadership looks like -- and it does not look like Hillary Rodham Clinton. Leslie Allison
Philadelphia, Jan. 26, 2008