目录 |
[编辑] First
- 说明:account for <->explain
- 急性的:acute <->intense
- 粘附:adhere <->stick
- 辅助,附加:adjunct <->addition
- 相反的:adverse <->negative
- 提倡者:advocate <->proponent
- 令人吃惊:astound <->surprise
- 喜爱:attachment <->preference
- 伴随:accompany <->attendant
- 获得:attain <->achieve
- 衣物:attire <->clothing
- 特征:attribute <->characteristic
- 航空:aviation <->navigation
- 贫瘠:barren <->infertile
- 偏见:bias <->prejudice
- 奇异:bizarre <->odd
- 限制:bound <->limit
- 支撑:carry <->support
- 丢弃:cast off <->get rid of
- 终止:cease <->stop
- 天上的:celestial <->astronomical
- 粗糙:coarse <->rough
- 创造:coin <->create
- 共同的:collectively <->together
- 隐藏:conceal <->hide
- 集中:concentrate <->cluster
- 与……一致:concomitant with <->in conjunction with
- 宽恕:condone <->mercy
- 冲突:conflict <->opposition
- 推测的:conjectural <->based on guess
- 巨大的:considerable <->much <->great <->substantial <->sizable <->detectable
- 合伙人:consort <->associate
- 明显的:conspicuous <->noticeable
- 商量:consult <->counsel
- 当代的:contemporary <->existing
- 抵消:counteract <->negate
- 副本:counterpart <->version
- 麻烦的:cumbersome <->burdensome
- 大胆的:daring <->bold
- 灵巧的:deft <->skilled
- 损坏:devastate <-> ruin
- 土壤:soil <->dirt
- 灾祸:disaster <->catastrophe
- 分散的:discrete <->separate
- 传播:disseminate <->spread <->impart <->inform
- 有区别的:distinguished <->differentiated
- 占优势的:dominate <->be prevalent in
- 引人注目的:dramatic <->striking
- 猛烈的:drastic <->radical <->severe
- 住宅:dwell <->house
- 详尽的:elaborate <->detailed
- 包裹:embed <->encase
- 接收者:embrace <->recipient
- 埋葬:entomb <->trap
- 清除:eradicate <->eliminate
- 高贵的:exalted <->superior
- 施行-应用:exert <->apply
- 昂贵的:exorbitant <->expensive
- 权宜之计:expedient <->makeshift
- 赞美:extol <->praise
- 提取:extract <->remove
- 制造:faction <->create
- 微小的:fine <->minute
- 奉承:flatter <->compliment
- 喂食:forage <->feed
- 有远见的:forward <->progressive
- 给……设框:frame <->pose
- 联合:fuse <->combine
- 发光:glow <->shine
- 宣布:herald <->announce
- 一致的:homogeneous <->uniform
- 保护:immunity <->protection
- 工具:implement <->tool
- 不可避免的:inevitable <-> ineluctable
- 流入到达:influx <->arrival
- 阻止:inhibit <->hinder
- 立即的:instantaneous <->immediate
- 强烈的:intense <->extreme
- 抱怨:lament <->complain about
- 范围:magnitude <->extent
- 诡计:maneuver <->trick
- 小心的:meticulous <->careful
- 平常的:mundane <->ordinary
- 洞:pit <->hole
- 沉思:ponder <->mediate
- 全神贯注:preoccupation <->involvement
- 突出:protrude <->project
- 容易的:readily <->easily
- 不负责任的:reckless <->irresponsible
- 初步的:rudimentary <->undeveloped
- 爆裂:rupture <->burst
- 卫生:sanitation <->health
- 保护:shield <->protect
- 断裂:snap <->break
- 令人惊愕的:staple <->overwhelming
- 基本组成部分:staple <->basic element
- 固定的:stationary <->fixed
- 诡计:strategy <->scam <->trick
- 严格的:stringent <->strict
- 强调:stress <->emphasize
- 资助:subsidize <->finance
- 证实:substantiate <->verify
- 细微的:subtle <->slight
- 简短的:succinct <->concise <->terse
- 奢侈的:sumptuous <->luxurious
- 纠缠:tangle <->twist <->jumble
- 吸引人的:temping <->attractive
- 痕迹:trace <->imprint
- 趋势:trend <->tendency
- 未修饰的:unadorned <->disorganized
- 弄清,发现:unravel <->discover
- 开始:usher in <->begin
- 震动:vibrate <->convulse
- 警惕:vigilant <->alert
- 产生,提供:yield <->provide
- 粗糙:coarse <->tough <->crude
- 复杂:complex <->complicated <->intricate <->perplexing
- 本能:innate <->impulsive <->instinctive <->spontaneous
- 普遍的:pervasive <->typical <->universal <->ubiquitous
- 吞食:devour <->gorge <->swallow
- 芳香:scent <->aroma <->balmy <->fragrant
- 相邻:adjacent <->adjoining <->neighboring
- 边界:boundary <->border <->brim <->rim <->edge <->fringe <->frontier <->margin <->periphery
- 限制:confine <->circumscribe <->restrict <->limit
- 孤独:solitary <->isolated <->lonely
- 放大:amplify <->magnify <->enlarge
- 缓和:mitigate <->relieve <->abate <->alleviate
- 恳求:pray <->seek <->implore
- 追求:pursue <->seek <->woo
- 控诉:appeal <->accuse <->charge
- 奖学金:fellowship <->scholarship <->stipend
- 含糊:obscure <->vague
- 卫生:hygiene <->sanitation <->health
- 丰富的:abundant <->myriads of <->exuberant <->prolific <->profuse <->ample <->luxuriant<->rich <->plentiful
- 巨大的:gigantic <->colossal <->tremendous <->enormous <->immense <->|prodigious <->massive <->Herculean <->titanic <->huge
- 亲近:proximity <->intimacy <->affinity
- 敌对:adverse <->hostile <->opposed
- 背叛:betray <->renounce
- 反叛:rebellious <->defiant
- 忠诚:fidelity <->loyalty <->faithful <->adherence
- 嘲笑:gibe <->ridicule <->deride <->jeer <->sneer
- 侮辱:insult <->humiliate
- 诽谤:libel <->defame <->traduce <->disparage
- 赞扬:compliment <->extol <->praise
- 谴责:blame <->condemn <->denounce
- 破坏:impair <->devastate <->ruin <->disfigure
- 建立:erect <->build <->establish
- 煽动:provoke <->foment <->prompt <->instigate <->agitate <->incite
- 渴望的:eager <->yearning <->anxious <->desirous <->avid <->wistful
- 狂热的:frenzy <->fanatical <->cordial <->crazy <->maniac
- 沉着,冷静:composure <->equanimity
- 冷漠的:indifferent <->impassive <->nonchalant <->apathetic
- 无情的:relentless <->merciless <->ruthless <->pitiless
- 激烈的:violent <->vehement <->furious
- 安静:calm <->tranquil <->serene <->still <->quiescent <->sedate
- 咆哮:shout <->yelp <->rant <->howl <->bawl <->scream <->yell <->clamor
- 焦虑:concern <->anxiety <->apprehension
- 混乱:turmoil
- 暴乱:riot <->turbulence <->commotion <->rebellion <->revolt <-> insurrection <->insurgence
- 吃惊:astonish <->astound <->startle <->amaze <->surprise
- 安慰:sooth <->comfort <->placate <->appease <->pacify <->solace
- 极度高兴:rapture <->ecstasy <->ravish <->elation
- 苦恼:anguish <->distress <->agony <->grief <->sorrow <->torment
- 愤怒:incense <->irritate <->rage <->enrage <->outrage <->fret <->fury <->wrath <->exasperate
- 笨拙:clumsy <->awkward <->gauche
- 敏捷:adept <->deft <->agile <->nimble <->adroit <->skillful
- 狡猾的:craft <->cunning <->sneaky <->sly
- 诡计:strategy <->trick <->scam <->artifice <->conspiracy
- 公开承认:admit <->acknowledge <->own <->avow
- 揭露:reveal <->disclose <->unveil <->discover
- 藏匿:conceal <->disguise <->shroud
- 节俭的:austere <->thrifty <->frugal <->shrewd
- 初始的:primitive <->primordial <->primeval <->primacy
- 大胆的:daring <->intrepid <->dauntless <->valiant <->valorous <->gallant
- 万灵药:panacea <->elixir
- 疗法:treatment <->therapy
- 康复:recover <->restore <->rehabilitate
- 暂时的:temporary <->tentative <->contingent <->provisional
- 转瞬即逝的:momentary <->ephemeral <->transitory
- 脆弱的:fragile <->vulnerable <->frail
- 脆的:brittle <->crisp <->crumbly
- 裂缝:crack <->split <->rift <->rent <->crevasse <->interstice <->fissure
- 恶毒的:malicious <->villainous <->virulent
- 迟钝的:inactive <->blunt <->inert <->obtuse
- 简洁的:concise <->succinct <->terse <->brief
- 倾向:propensity <->inclination <->preference <->penchant
- 调整:fine|tune <->rectify <->adjust <->modulate
- 厌恶:loathe <->abhor <->detest <->abominate
- 消失:dissipate <->disappear <->vanish
- 群:school <->horde <->swarm <->throng <->flock
- 宝藏:bonanza <->treasury
- 尊敬:honor <->defer <->esteem <->respect
- 可鄙的:contemptible <->despicable
- 蔑视:disdain <->despise <->scorn <->contemn
- 傲慢的:haughty <->arrogant <->bloated <->overbearing <->insolent
- 反驳:retort <->disprove <->rebut <->gainsay <->rebuke
- 答复:reply <->rejoinder
- 争吵:bicker <->brawl <->quarrel <->wrangle
- 让步:compromise <->concession <->yield
- 服从:submit <->obey <->succumb
- 妨碍:interfere <->hamper <->handicap <->balk <->stall <->tamper <->block <->obstruct <->bar <->hinder <->impede
- 不屈不饶的:inexorable <->unyielding <->indomitable <->tenacious
- 否认:negate <->deny <->disaffirm <->disavow
- 即将来临的:imminent <->approaching <->impeding
- 延迟:adjourn <->protract <->detain <->retard <->defer
- 同时的:simultaneous <->concurrent <->synchronic <->contemporary
- 并列的:parallel <->juxtaposed
- 主题:theme <->topic <->motif
- 美丽的:pretty <->gorgeous <->beautify
- 逃避:avoid <->escape <->dodge <->eschew <->flee
- 论文:paper <->thesis <->treatise <->dissertation
- 木材:lumber <->timber <->log
- 阴沉的:somber <->sullen <->dismal
- 闪耀的:glow <->glare <->flare <->flicker <->ablaze <->gleam <->scintillate
- 可疑的:skeptical <->dubious <->suspicious <->fishy
- 深思熟虑:contemplate <->meditate <->ponder <->ruminate
- 问题:crunch <->dilemma <->problem
- 古老的:antiquated <->ancient <->archaic
- 服装:attire <->costume <->garb <->uniform <->apparel <->garment <->guise
- 遗产:bequest <->legacy <->heritage <->inheritance
- 遗迹,残余:remains <->remnant <->vestige <->relic <->residue
- 倾斜,斜坡:slope <->tilt <->declivity <->incline <->slant
- 寒冷的:chilly <->frigid <->icy
- 融化:thaw <->melt
- 混合:blend <->combine <->amalgamate <->muddle <->shuffle
- 谨慎的:wary <->cautious <->prudent <->scrupulous <->chary <->discreet
- 陶器:pottery <->ware <->crockery
- 使窒息:smother <->stifle <->suffocate
- 杀戮:slaughter <->carnage <->massacre <->holocaust
- 鲁莽的:imprudent <->impertinent <->rush <->madcap
- 奇怪的:eccentric <->grotesque <->odd <->queer <->weird <->erratic <->uncanny <->exotic <->quaint <->eerie
- 刺激:jar <->prod <->stimulate <->catalyze
- 支撑:sustain <->bolster <->underlay <->uphold <->brace <->crutch
- 合并:converge <->incorporate <->consolidate <->merge
- 伪造的:forge <->counterfeit <->fabricate
- 财富:fortune <->treasure <->opulence
- 贫乏:poverty <->penury <->destitution
- 贫瘠的:barren <->infertile <->arid <->sterile
- 大厦:edifice <->mansion
- 货物:cargo <->freight <->goods
- 暗淡的:faint <->vague <->dim
- 贪婪的:greed <->cupidity <->avarice <->rapacity <->voracity
- 夸大:exaggerate <->boast <->inflate <->vaunt <->brag
- 死亡:perish <->demise <->expire <->decease
- 即兴的:improvised <->impromptu <->extempore
- 收集:glean <->compile <->amass
- 恶意的:malevolent <->malicious <->malignant
[编辑] 2000年后阅读中出现的同义词对:
[编辑] 1.2000年5月
- Contemporary <->written at the same time
Meaning: Belonging to the same period of time:
- celebratory <-> <->|full of praise
- representative <-> <->typical
- prize <->|valued
- overtaken <->surpassed
- intervals <-> <->distances
meaning: A space between two objects, points, or units.
- freeing <->releasing
- plunge <->drop
meaning: To thrust or throw forcefully into a substance or place:
- collective <->group
meaning: Assembled or accumulated into a whole.
- Resolve <->|find a solution for
[编辑] 2.2000年8月
- concealed <->covered
meaning: To keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered;
- noticed <->observed
- accordingly <->for that reason
- recorded <->documented
- crucial <->important
- ponderous <->heavy
- peculiar <->strange
- meticulously <->carefully
- durability <->endurance
- incised <-> carved
[编辑] 3.2000年10月
- extract <->remove
- scorched <->burned
- consequence <->result
- striking <->noticeable
- exceed <-> <->go beyond
- generated <->caused
- norm <->standard
- henceforth <->from the time on
- mandated <->|required
- immutable <->|unchangeable
- revered <-> <->respected
- extolled <->praised
- consistent <->|constant
[编辑] 4.2001年1月
- intent <->goal
- administered <->managed
- periphery <->outer rage
- inception <->beginning
- fabricating <->constructing
- resort to <->|using
- ingenuity <->resourcefulness
- characteristics <-> <->qualities
- functional <-> <->usable
- significant <->|obvious
- attained <-> <->|reached
- flamed <->|burned
- encompass <-> <->include
[编辑] 5.2001年5月
- hinged on <->depended on
- lured <->attracted
- expendable <-> <->unprofitable
- notwithstanding <->|despite
- random <->unpredictable
- intricate <->complex
- urge <->|encourage
- convergence <->|gathering
- carry on <->continue
- diverse <->varied
- ensure <->guarantee
- suitable <->appropriately
- scarce <->|rare
- resemble <->look like
[编辑] 6.2001年8月
- coarse <->|crude
- appreciated <->recognized
- merely <->only
- emitting <->|producing
- pursue <->chase
- altogether <->completely
- intensive <->concentrated
- assumption <->belief
- prevailed <->dominated
- foremost <->leading
- meteoric <->rapid
- apace with <->as fast as