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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v. 勾引, 诱惑
- [英] v. 勾引, 诱惑 ( to lead astray by persuasion or false promises)
- [记] se ( 分开) +duce ( 引导) -> 引开 -> 勾引
- [例] be seduced by curiosity
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
transitive verb (seduced; seducing)
- Etymology: Late Latin seducere, from Latin, to lead away, from se- apart + ducere to lead — more at tow
- Date: 15th century
- 1. to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty
- 2. to lead astray usually by persuasion or false promises
- 3. to carry out the physical seduction of ; entice to sexual intercourse
- 4. attract
- Synonyms: see lure
- ? seducer noun