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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n. 疗养院, 休养所
- [英] n. 疗养院, 休养所 ( sanitarium;a quiet resort)
- [记] sanat ( 治疗) +arium ( 地方) -> 疗养院
- [同] 同根词: sanatory ( 有益?档?
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
noun (plural -riums or sanatoria)
- Etymology: New Latin, from Late Latin, neuter of sanatorius curative, from sanare
- Date: 1839
- 1. an establishment that provides therapy combined with a regimen (as of diet and exercise) for treatment or rehabilitation
- 2.
- a. an institution for rest and recuperation (as of convalescents)
- b. an establishment for the treatment of the chronically ill