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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n. 反顾, 回顾
- [英] n. 反顾, 回顾 ( meditation on past events)
- [记] retro ( 向后) +spect ( 看) -> 向后看 -> 回顾
- [例] David realized, in retrospect, that he should have finished school.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. noun
- Etymology: probably from retro- + prospect
- Date: 1602
- 1. archaic reference to or regard of a precedent or authority
- 2. a review of or meditation on past events
II. adjective
- Date: 1709
- retrospective
III. verb
- Date: 1659
- intransitive verb
- 1. to engage in retrospection
- 2. to refer back ; reflect
- transitive verb
- to go back over in thought