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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- adj. 无礼的
- [类] indecorous : propriety / boorish : sensitivity ( 无礼的没有礼貌 / 鲁钝的没有敏感) 反义词: seemly ( 有礼的)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
- Etymology: Latin indecorus, from in- + decorus decorous
- Date: 1668
- not decorous ; conflicting with accepted standards of good conduct or good taste
- ? indecorously adverb
- ? indecorousness noun
- Synonyms:
- indecorous, improper, unseemly, unbecoming, indelicate mean not conforming to what is accepted as right, fitting, or in good taste. indecorous suggests a violation of accepted standards of good manners <indecorous behavior>. improper applies to a broader range of transgressions of rules not only of social behavior but of ethical practice or logical procedure or prescribed method<improper use of campaign contributions>. unseemly adds a suggestion of special inappropriateness to a situation or an offensiveness to good taste<remarried with unseemly haste>. unbecoming suggests behavior or language that does not suit one's character or status<conduct unbecoming to an officer>. indelicate implies a lack of modesty or of tact or of refined perception of feeling<indelicate expressions for bodily functions>.