Gallery n. 走廊、戏院、教堂等中最高的楼座, 美术陈列室, 画廊, 图库
Webster Dictionary: Main Entry: gal·lery Pronunciation: 'ga-l&-rE, 'gal-rE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -ler·ies Etymology: Middle English galerie, from Medieval Latin galeria, probably alteration of galilaea galilee 1 a : a roofed promenade : COLONNADE b : CORRIDOR 1 2 a : an outdoor balcony b Southern & Midland : PORCH, VERANDA c : a platform at the quarters or stern of a ship 3 a : a long and narrow passage, apartment, or corridor b : a subterranean passageway in a cave or military mining system; also : a working drift or level in mining c : an underground passage made by a mole or ant or a passage made in wood by an insect (as a beetle) 4 a : a room or building devoted to the exhibition of works of art b : an institution or business exhibiting or dealing in works of art c : COLLECTION, AGGREGATION <the rich gallery of characters in this novel -- H. S. Canby> 5 a : a structure projecting from one or more interior walls (as of an auditorium or church) to accommodate additional people; especially : the highest balcony in a theater commonly having the cheapest seats b : the part of a theater audience seated in the top gallery c : the undiscriminating general public d : the spectators at a sporting event (as a tennis or golf match) 6 : a small ornamental barrier or railing (as along the edge of a table or shelf) 7 : a photographer's studio - gal·ler·ied /-rEd/ adjective - gal·lery·ite /-rE-"It/ noun