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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v.鞭打, 鞭笞
- [英] v.鞭打, 鞭笞 ( to whip, flog)
- [记] flagel ( 鞭) +late -> 鞭打
- [同] 同根词: flagellant ( 鞭笞者, 严厉批评的) ; flagellum ( 鞭子, 鞭毛)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. transitive verb (-lated; -lating)
- Etymology: Latin flagellatus, past participle of flagellare, from flagellum, diminutive of flagrum whip; perhaps akin to Old Norse blaka to wave
- Date: circa 1623
- 1. whip, scourge
- 2. to drive or punish as if by whipping
II. adjective
- Etymology: New Latin flagellatus, from flagellum
- Date: circa 1859
- 1.
- a. (or flagellated) having flagella
- b. shaped like a flagellum
- 2. \[flagellate (III)\] of, relating to, or caused by flagellates <flagellate diarrhea>
III. noun
- Etymology: New Latin Flagellata, class of unicellular organisms, from neuter plural of flagellatus
- Date: 1879
- a flagellate protozoan or alga