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[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n.忠实; 忠诚
- [英] n.忠实;忠诚 ( faithful devotion; loyalty; faithfulness; allegiance)
- [类] 反义词: unconventionality ( 异常) -fidelity to custom ( 忠于传统) ; apostasy ( 变节)
- [记] fid ( 相信) +elity -> 相信, 忠诚
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
noun (plural -ties)
- Etymology: Middle English fidelite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French fidelité, from Latin fidelitat-, fidelitas, from fidelis faithful, from fides faith, from fidere to trust — more at bide
- Date: 15th century
- 1.
- a. the quality or state of being faithful
- b. accuracy in details ; exactness
- 2. the degree to which an electronic device (as a record player, radio, or television) accurately reproduces its effect (as sound or picture)
- Synonyms:
- fidelity, allegiance, fealty, loyalty, devotion, piety mean faithfulness to something to which one is bound by pledge or duty. fidelity implies strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust, or duty <marital fidelity>. allegiance suggests an adherence like that of citizens to their country<pledging allegiance>. fealty implies a fidelity acknowledged by the individual and as compelling as a sworn vow<fealty to the truth>. loyalty implies a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray<valued the loyalty of his friends>. devotion stresses zeal and service amounting to self-dedication<a painter's devotion to her art>. piety stresses fidelity to obligations regarded as natural and fundamental<filial piety>.