GRE Barron
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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v.窜改; 说谎
- [英] v.窜改 ( to altera record, etc.fraudulently) ; 说谎 ( to tell falsehoods; lie)
- [记] fals ( 假) +ify -> 弄假 -> 窜改
- [例] The commander decided to falsify the report to trick the enemy.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
verb (-fied; -fying)
- Etymology: Middle English falsifien, from Middle French falsifier, from Medieval Latin falsificare, from Latin falsus
- Date: 15th century
- transitive verb
- 1. to prove or declare false ; disprove
- 2. to make false: as
- a. to make false by mutilation or addition <the accounts were falsified to conceal a theft>
- b. to represent falsely ; misrepresent
- 3. to prove unsound by experience
- intransitive verb
- to tell lies ; lie
- ? falsifiability noun
- ? falsifiable adjective
- ? falsification noun
- ? falsifier noun