GRE Barron
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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- adj.贫乏的; 穷困的
- [英] adj.贫乏的 ( being without; lacking) ; 穷困的 ( living in complete poverty)
- [记] de+stit ( 建立) +ute -> 没有建立 -> 穷困的
- [同] 同根词: institute ( 创建) , restitute ( 赔偿)
- [例] The fire left the family destitute.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
- Etymology: Middle English, from Latin destitutus, past participle of destituere to abandon, deprive, from de- + statuere to set up — more at statute
- Date: 14th century
- 1. lacking something needed or desirable <a lake destitute of fish>
- 2. lacking possessions and resources; especially suffering extreme poverty <a destitute old man>
- ? destituteness noun