Design n. 设计, 图案, 花样, 企图, 图谋, (小说等的)构思, 纲要 v. 设计, 计划, 谋划, 构思
Webster Dictionary: Main Entry: 1de·sign Pronunciation: di-'zIn Function: verb Etymology: Middle English, to outline, indicate, mean, from Anglo-French & Medieval Latin; Anglo-French designer to designate, from Medieval Latin designare, from Latin, to mark out, from de- + signare to mark -- more at SIGN transitive verb 1 : to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan : DEVISE, CONTRIVE 2 a : to conceive and plan out in the mind <he designed the perfect crime> b : to have as a purpose : INTEND <she designed to excel in her studies> c : to devise for a specific function or end <a book designed primarily as a college textbook> 3 archaic : to indicate with a distinctive mark, sign, or name 4 a : to make a drawing, pattern, or sketch of b : to draw the plans for <design a building> intransitive verb 1 : to conceive or execute a plan 2 : to draw, lay out, or prepare a design - de·sign·ed·ly /-'zI-n&d-lE/ adverb