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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n. 虚张声势; 悬崖峭壁
- [英] n. 虚张声势 ( pretense of strength) ; 悬崖峭壁 ( high cliff)
- [例] She threatened to sack me, but it's all a bluff.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. adjective
- Etymology: obsolete Dutch blaf flat; akin to Middle Low German blaff smooth
- Date: 1627
- 1.
- a. having a broad flattened front
- b. rising steeply with a broad flat or rounded front
- 2. good-naturedly frank and outspoken
- ? bluffly adverb
- ? bluffness noun
- Synonyms:
- bluff, blunt, brusque, curt, crusty, gruff mean abrupt and unceremonious in speech and manner. bluff connotes good-natured outspokenness and unconventionality <a bluff manner>. blunt suggests directness of expression in disregard of others' feelings<a blunt appraisal>. brusque applies to a sharpness or ungraciousness<a brusque response>. curt implies disconcerting shortness or rude conciseness<a curt command>. crusty suggests a harsh or surly manner sometimes concealing an inner kindliness<a crusty exterior>. gruff suggests a hoarse or husky speech which may imply bad temper but more often implies embarrassment or shyness<puts on a gruff pose>.
II. noun
- Date: 1666
- a high steep bank ; cliff
III. verb
- Etymology: probably from Dutch bluffen to boast, play a kind of card game
- Date: 1791
- transitive verb
- intransitive verb
- to bluff someone ; act deceptively
- ? bluffer noun
IV. noun
- Date: 1845
- 1.
- a. an act or instance of bluffing
- b. the practice of bluffing
- 2. one who bluffs