GRE 考研
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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v. 祝福;颂扬
- [英] v. 祝福;颂扬 ( to praise or glorify)
- [记] 请比较: bliss ( 极乐)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
transitive verb (blessed; also blest; blessing)
- Etymology: Middle English, from Old English blētsian, from blōd blood; from the use of blood in consecration
- Date: before 12th century
- 1. to hallow or consecrate by religious rite or word
- 2. to hallow with the sign of the cross
- 3. to invoke divine care for <bless your heart> — used in the phrase bless you to wish good health especially to one who has just sneezed
- 4.
- 5. to confer prosperity or happiness upon
- 6. archaic protect, preserve
- 7. endow, favor <blessed with athletic ability>
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