目录 |
[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v.目睹, 看见
- [英] v.目睹, 看见 ( to hold in view ; look at)
- [记] be+hold ( 拿住) -> 被拿住 -> 看到
- [同] 派生词: beholder ( n. 目睹者)
- [例] She screamed when she behold the mess in the kitchen.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
verb (beheld; -holding)
- Etymology: Middle English, to keep, behold, from Old English behealdan, from be- + healdan to hold
- Date: before 12th century
- transitive verb
- intransitive verb
- — used in the imperative especially to call attention
- ? beholder noun