Barron's How to Prepare for the SAT
[编辑] 简介
这本书如同家教一样能随时随地为你提供指导,你可以调节自己的进度,反复复习某些重要的章节或者跳过那些你已经烂熟于心的部分.本书不但提供了题目的正确答案,还提供了题目解析. 本书为考生提供如下指导:
设置合理的步骤练习,数以千计的阅读.写作和数学习题,从中学习解题之道以及如何避免错误. 提供数十种条理清晰的解题策略,并说明如何用这些策略应对SAT考试中各种类型的题目. 提供一套诊断测试题和六套模拟测试题及详细解答,这些试题与SAT考试的形式都完全一致,以此为考生模拟真实考试情境. 提供全面综合的数学复习,7包括SAT考试所要求的三个部分——算数.代数以及几何. 、提供SAT阅读文章的具体来源,8包括文章的作者.著作以及杂志,8并且提供了一份大学水准的阅读文章列表以帮助考生查找更多的文章. 提供一份包括了365个词的《高频词汇表》,这365个词从abridge到zealot,是通过电脑分析得出的在以往的SAT考试中反复出现的单词.另外,还有一个包括3500个词的《巴朗基础词汇表》.通过这份词表,你可以掌握所有在SAT考试中会遇到的大学水平的词汇. 在本书的最后,为考生提供了便于拆分的单词记忆卡,包括了200多个常考的SAT单词及其发音.释义和例句.把这些卡片裁下并随身携带,10可以随时学习,也可与同学展开记忆单词的比赛. 本书提供的帮助是其他书所无法比拟的.这本书体现了巴朗一贯的理念,就是为考生提供关于SAT和其他重要考试最好的帮助与指导.LindacTurner和其他巴朗的编辑人员为本书的编写做了大量的工作,希望这些能够帮助你在SAT考试中取得好成绩.
Amamzon的介绍: Editorial Reviews Book Description Paperback and CD-ROM: This brand-new edition of Barron’s SAT test preparation manual presents one diagnostic test and six full-length practice SATs, all of which reflect the new SAT in length, question types, and degree of difficulty. The book comes with a CD-ROM that reproduces all of the manual’s tests so that they can be taken and scored automatically on a home computer. Both the manual and the CD-ROM offer an overview of the SAT and its scoring method, and then present extensive subject reviews in critical reading, grammar and usage, and math. They also offer detailed guidance for preparing and composing the test’s required student-written essay. In addition to the full-length practice tests, all of the manual’s extra practice and review questions are presented on the CD-ROM with automatic scoring. College-bound students will find that Barron’s all-new combination SAT manual with CD-ROM is true state-of-the-art preparation for one of the most important tests that they will ever take.
From the Back Cover (back cover) Choose Barron’s Method for Test Success on the SAT
Read and understand the authors’ overview of the SAT Take the diagnostic test to determine your strengths and weaknesses Devise your personal study plan for success Study the book’s subject reviews to improve your skills in all test topics Take the practice tests in the book or on the CD-ROM and score your results Review the answers and explanations for all test questions
It’s Your Path to a Higher SAT Test Score