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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v.绑架, 拐走
- [英] v.绑架, 拐走 ( to take[a person]away unlawfully; kidnap)
- [记] ab+duct ( 引导) -> 把人带走 -> 绑架;
- [同] 派生词: abduction ( n. 绑架) 同根词: viaduct ( 高架桥) , introduction ( 介绍, 引入)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
transitive verb
- Etymology: Latin abductus, past participle of abducere, literally, to lead away, from ab- + ducere to lead — more at tow
- Date: 1825
- 1. to seize and take away (as a person) by force
- 2. to draw or spread away (as a limb or the fingers) from a position near or parallel to the median axis of the body or from the axis of a limb
- • abductor noun
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