模板:DailyGREWord/April 2007
目录 |
[编辑] 01
- Condiment
- 红宝: n. 调味品, 佐料 ( a seasoning or relish for food)
- TOEFL: n. 调味品
- Webster: something used to enhance the flavor of food; especially a pungent seasoning
[编辑] 02
- Antarctic
- 红宝: adj. 南极的 ( of the regions around the South Pole)
- Webster: geographical name - region including antarctica, antarctic Peninsula, and the surrounding ocean
[编辑] 03
- Sentimental
- 红宝: 感情上的 ( showing tender feelings rather than reasonable) 多愁善感的 ( showing too much of such feelings)
- Barron: swayed by sentiment; appealing to the sentiments
- TOEFL: "感伤性的, 感情脆弱的"
- Webster: marked or governed by feeling, sensibility, or emotional idealism...
[编辑] 04
- Culinary
- 红宝: adj. 厨房的 ( of the kitchen) ; 烹调的 ( of cooking)
- 蓝宝: adj. 厨房的, 烹调用的
- Barron: relating to cooking or kitchen
- Webster: of or relating to the kitchen or cookery
[编辑] 05
- Arachnid
- 红宝: n. 蜘蛛类节支动物
- 蓝宝: n. 节肢动物(including the spiders, scorpions, mites)
- Webster: any of a class (Arachnida) of arthropods comprising chiefly terrestrial invertebrates, including the spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks, and having a segmented body divided into two regions of which the anterior bears four pairs of legs but no antennae
[编辑] 06
- Amorous
- 红宝: adj. 有性欲的; 情爱的 ( of sexual love or lovemaking)
- 蓝宝: adj. 色情的, 含情脉脉的, 表示爱情的
- Barron: ...
- Webster: strongly moved by love and especially sexual love amorous couples...
[编辑] 07
- Genome
- 红宝: n. [生]基因组, 染色体组
- Webster: one haploid set of chromosomes with the genes they contain; broadly the genetic material of an organism
[编辑] 08
- Aurora
- 红宝: n.极光 ( 南北极夜晚所放彩光)
- TOEFL: n. 极光=auroral light
- Webster: a luminous phenomenon that consists of streamers or arches of light appearing in the upper atmosphere of a planet's magnetic polar regions and is...
[编辑] 09
- Shale
- 红宝: n.页岩 ( a stratified fissile rock)
- 蓝宝: n. 页岩,泥板岩
- Webster: a fissile rock that is formed by the consolidation of clay, mud, or silt, has a finely stratified or laminated structure, and is composed of minerals essentially unaltered since deposition
[编辑] 10
- Factotum
- 红宝: n.杂役, 听差 ( a person hired to do all sorts of work; handyman)
- Barron: handyman; person who does all kinds of work;
- Webster: a person having many diverse activities or responsibilities...
[编辑] 11
- Scale
- 红宝: n. 鱼鳞; ( 音乐) 音阶 ( a graduated series of musical tones)
- Barron: n. flake of epidermis; ascending or descending series of musical tones
- TOEFL: vt. 攀登
- Webster: a small thin plate suggesting a fish scale...
[编辑] 12
- Bizarre
- 红宝: adj. 奇异的, 古怪的 ( grotesque, fantastic)
- 蓝宝: (记)来自bazaar集市
- Webster: odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode...
[编辑] 13
- Lechery
- 红宝: n. 好色, 纵欲 ( excessive indulgence of sexual desires)
- Barron: ADJ. lecherous;
- Webster: inordinate indulgence in sexual activity ; lasciviousness
[编辑] 14
- Compassionate
- 红宝: adj. 有同情心的 ( sympathetic)
- Webster: having or showing compassion ; sympathetic compassionate friend compassionate smile...
[编辑] 15
- Awl
- 红宝: n. ( 钻皮革的) 尖钻
- 蓝宝: (类)awl·pierce=pestle·hash 尖钻·刺穿=杵·碾碎 (后者是前者的功能)
- Barron: pointed tool used for piercing
- Webster: a pointed tool for marking surfaces or piercing small holes (as in leather or wood)
[编辑] 16
- Ordeal
- 红宝: n. 严峻考验, 痛苦经验 ( any difficult and severe trial)
- 蓝宝: 苦难经历,折磨煎熬
- Barron: severe trial or affliction; difficult experience; trial(test of patience or endurance); affliction
- TOEFL: 近义: trying experience, hardship
- Webster: ...a severe trial or experience...
[编辑] 17
- Despotism
- 红宝: n.专制, 暴政 ( rule or domination by an absolute ruler; autocracy; tyranny)
- Webster: ...a system of government in which the ruler has unlimited power ; absolutism
[编辑] 18
- Hybrid
- 红宝: n. 杂种, 混血人
- 蓝宝: 混合的;杂种的;混 合语的n. 杂种(something heterogeneous)
- Barron: mongrel; mixed breed;
- Webster: something heterogeneous in origin or composition ; composite <hybrids of complementary DNA and RNA strands><a hybrid of medieval and Renaissance styles>...
[编辑] 19
- Abhor
- 红宝: v.憎恨, 嫌恶 ( to shrink from in hatred; detest; hate)
- 蓝宝: 憎恶,痛恨(to regard with extreme repugnance)
- Barron: detest; hate
- Webster: to regard with extreme repugnance ; loathe
[编辑] 20
- Doggerel
- 红宝: n. 歪诗, 打油诗
- 蓝宝: 歪诗的n.打油诗(crud e or trivial poetry)
- Barron: poor verse
- Webster: loosely styled and irregular in measure especially for burlesque or comic effect; also marked by triviality or inferiority...
[编辑] 21
- Dire
- 红宝: adj.可怕的 ( dreadful, miserable)
- 蓝宝: 悲惨的,阴惨的( dismal,oppressive) ;可怕的
- Barron: warning of disaster; disastrous; (of needs and dangers) very great; urgent;
- Webster: exciting horror <dire suffering>...
[编辑] 22
[编辑] 23
- Crestfallen
- 红宝: adj. 挫败的, 失望的 ( dejected, disheartened, or humbled)
- 蓝宝: 垂头丧气的( discouraged)
- Barron: dejected; dispirited
- Webster: feeling shame or humiliation; dejected
[编辑] 24
- Attenuate
- 红宝: v.变薄 ( to make slender) ; 变弱 ( to lessen; weaken)
- 蓝宝: 变薄, 变弱, 削弱(to lessen the amount,magnitude, or value of)
- Barron: ...
- Webster: to make thin or slender...
[编辑] 25
- Unravel
- 红宝: v.解开, 拆散 ( to resolve the intricacy, complexity, or obscurity of)
- TOEFL: ...
- Webster: to resolve the intricacy, complexity, or obscurity of...
[编辑] 26
[编辑] 27
- Edifice
- 红宝: n. 宏伟的建筑 ( 如宫殿、教堂) ( a large, imposing building)
- 蓝宝: 大厦; 大建筑物(an elaborate conceptual structure)
- TOEFL: 近义: skyscraper
- Webster: building; especially a large or massive structure...
[编辑] 28
- Subdued
- 红宝: adj. ( 光和声) 柔和的, 缓和的; ( 人) 温和的 ( unnaturally or unusually quiet in behavior)
- Webster: lacking in vitality, intensity, or strength <subdued colors>
[编辑] 29
- Flotsam
- 红宝: n. ( 在海上漂浮的) 遇难船只的残骸 ( drifting wreckage)
- Barron: ...
- Webster: floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo; broadly floating debris
[编辑] 30
- Flourish
- 红宝: v. 昌盛, 兴旺 ( be successful) ; 活跃而有影响 ( very active and influential)
- 蓝宝: 繁荣; 茂盛; 炫耀
- TOEFL: ...
- Webster: to grow luxuriantly; thrive...