The Wall Street Journal-20080130-Church Discipline Is Good When It-s Done Properly

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Church Discipline Is Good When It's Done Properly

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Your article "Banned From Church" (Weekend Journal, Jan. 18) discredits church discipline by depicting a rogue pastor summoning the sheriff to escort a little old lady out of a church service. However, you are right to hint that the problem isn't the biblical concept of church discipline itself, but the failure of church leadership to follow its own rules.

In our representation of churches, we emphasize the importance of doing a thorough investigation into any allegations calling for discipline, following the church by-laws and other procedures in place, being prayerful and reviewing the church's actions in light of scripture, and taking time for the process. Also, we would seldom advise a pastor to take disciplinary action against a parishioner who has respectfully disagreed with him or her.

Discipline, when used properly, serves a useful function to keep church members united and focused on their calling as God's people. Seeking to maintain the purity of the community, church leaders should gracefully shepherd parishioners so that they can continue to reflect God's holiness in the world.

Amy Parrish

Mauck & Baker, LLC



Sadly, far too many churches are more concerned about who is in control than in what is right. Many problems in the church, or any other organization, could be resolved with loving, honest confrontation and a willingness to listen to another's point of view. To the pastors who hide behind the police power of the state: Stop being a coward, listen to your people, then lead.

Danny Decker


Calvary Baptist Church

Summerville, Ga.


Don't worry, Mrs. Caskey: Martin Luther got thrown out of his church too, and no less a person than St. Paul was thrown into prison numerous times. You're in good company.

H. Johns

Montgomery, Ala.

