The Wall Street Journal-20080128-Could Islam Benefit From Western Critics-

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Could Islam Benefit From Western Critics?

Full Text (610  words)

Let me respond to Tahir Qureshi's letter ("Who May Interpret the Very Memorable Quran?"), itself a response to your article "The Lost Archive" (page one, Jan. 12). His peremptory tone and sense of absolute certitude that a critical study of the Quran with the methods of Western scholarship by Western scholars is entirely unnecessary demonstrates precisely what is wrong with Islam and its "hands off" attitude toward scholarship. No religion is perfect, even as the primary texts of all major religions preach and teach the messages of virtue, love, compassion and peace.

Many of the key texts of my religion -- Hinduism -- have been respectfully subjected to critical analysis by Western scholars -- without arousing (except in a handful of cases by fundamentalist Hindutva zealots) any objection or stirring the wrath of its practitioners. The Bible is believed by many to be God's words, yet Western scholars (Jewish and Christian) have not shied away from delving critically into the Old Testament and the New. Why exactly is it so objectionable for Islam and the Quran to be studied the same way? Understanding and respect for other religions can be advanced only through rational discourse, not blind faith in the literal truth of the text -- which, after all, is a human construct, albeit drawing sustenance from the legacy of history.

Debbir B. Dasgupta

Paramus, N.J.


Maybe that is exactly the problem: Muslims interpreting the Quran for themselves. Maybe it is time for "Westerner scholars" to get involved. Islamic terrorists have carried out thousands of deadly terror attacks since 9/11. And you wonder why Westerners have shown a level of hostility toward Muhammad and the Quran and Islam when compared with other faiths? You basically answered your own question.

Mike Joyce

Canton, Ga.


Tahir Qureshi states in a letter to the editor that "no other people have shown the level of hostility to another faith as Westerners have shown to Muhammad, the Quran and Islam." Is he joking? Over the past quarter-century, literally thousands of innocent men, women, and children of practically all faiths have been murdered in the name of Muhammad, the Quran, and Islam, while the majority of Muslims either openly celebrated such acts or quietly stood by without condemning them. If any religion needs a reformation to bring it in line with modernity, it is Islam. The writer's refusal to accept the possibility that his faith needs to change and mature might explain today's "level of hostility" toward Islam.

Jay Lewis

York, Pa.


Mr. Qureshi writes that "no other people have shown the level of hostility to another faith as Westerners have shown to Muhammad, the Quran and Islam." Really? In America, the law guarantees one the right to practice any religion one chooses. On the other hand, laws based on Shariah consign non-Muslim people to inferior status. Christians living in Muslim nations are continuously harassed, threatened and even jailed for "converting" Muslims. Name a teddy bear after the prophet, and you will also go to jail, no matter if you're on a selfless humanitarian mission. Mr. Qureshi concludes by saying: "Islam doesn't need reformation; the Western mind needs reformation about Muhammad, the Quran and Islam." It's not Islam that needs reform; it's the vicious cycle of violence perpetuated by the manipulation of religious belief.

People are the sovereign, not the religious elite, nor the religion itself.

Rob McCullough

Drexel Hill, Pa.


Mr. Qureshi's response to study and interpretation of the Quran clearly characterizes the shortcomings of Islam -- lack of intellectual dynamism, curiosity, self criticism, inclusiveness and tolerance -- all demonstrated in his brief, articulate letter.

Charles R. Smith

San Jose, Calif.

