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GRE 考研


[编辑] 解释

[编辑] GRE 红宝书

  • v.以拳猛击; 打洞
  • [英] v.以拳猛击 ( to strike with the fist) ; 打洞 ( to make a hole, pierce)
  • [例] He punched the man on the nose. Did he punch a hole in your ticket?

[编辑] Webster Collegiate

I. noun

  • Etymology: Middle English pounce, punche, probably alteration of ponson, ponchon puncheon
  • Date: 14th century
  • 1.
    • a. a tool usually in the form of a short rod of steel that is variously shaped at one end for different operations (as forming, perforating, embossing, or cutting)
    • b. a short tapering steel rod for driving the heads of nails below a surface
    • c. a steel die faced with a letter in relief that is forced into a softer metal to form an intaglio matrix from which foundry type is cast
    • d. a device or machine for cutting holes or notches (as in paper or cardboard)
  • 2. a hole or notch from a perforating operation

II. verb

  • Etymology: Middle English pouncen, punchen to emboss, pierce, probably from pounce, noun
  • Date: 14th century
  • transitive verb
    • 1.
    • 2.
      • a. to strike with a forward thrust especially of the fist
      • b. to drive or push forcibly by or as if by a punch
      • c. to hit (a ball) with less than a full swing
    • 3. to emboss, cut, perforate, or make with or as if with a punch
    • 4.
      • a. to push down so as to produce a desired result <punch buttons on a jukebox>
      • b. to hit or press down the operating mechanism of <punch a typewriter>
      • c. to insert a time card into (a time clock)
      • d. to produce by or as if by punching keys <punch out a tune on the piano>
      • e. to enter (as data) by punching keys
    • 5. to give emphasis to
  • intransitive verb
    • 1. to perform the action of punching something
    • 2. to move or push forward especially by a sudden forceful effort <punched into enemy territory>
  • ? puncher noun

III. noun

  • Date: 14th century
  • 1. the action of punching
  • 2. a quick blow with or as if with the fist
  • 3. effective energy or forcefulness <a story that packs a punch><political punch>
  • ? punchless adjective

IV. noun

  • [*]Etymology: perhaps from Hindi & Urdu p?c five, from Sanskrit pa?ca; akin to Greek pente five; from its originally having five ingredients — more at [ref]fi

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