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GRE Barron TOEFL 考研


[编辑] 解释

[编辑] GRE 红宝书

  • v. 摆姿势; 造作
  • [英] v. 摆姿势 ( to assume a posture) ; 造作 ( to affect an attitude to impress)
  • [例] She posed and smiled for the cameraman.

[编辑] Webster Collegiate

I. verb (posed; posing)

  • Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French poser, from Vulgar Latin *pausare, from Late Latin, to stop, rest, pause, from Latin pausa pause
  • Date: 14th century
  • transitive verb
    • 1.
      • a. to set forth or offer for attention or consideration <let me pose a question>
      • b. to come to attention as ; present <smoking poses a health risk>
    • 2.
      • a. to put or set in place
      • b. to place (as a model) in a studied attitude
  • intransitive verb
    • 1. to assume a posture or attitude usually for artistic purposes
    • 2. to affect an attitude or character usually to deceive or impress <posed as a doctor to gain access to the ward>

II. noun

  • Date: 1818
  • 1. a sustained posture; especially one assumed for artistic effect
  • 2. an attitude, role, or characteristic assumed for effect
  • Synonyms:
    • pose, air, airs, affectation, mannerism mean an adopted way of speaking or behaving. pose implies an attitude deliberately assumed in order to impress others <her shyness was just a pose>. air may suggest natural acquirement through environment or way of life<a traveler's sophisticated air>. airs always implies artificiality and pretentiousness<snobbish airs>. affectation applies to a trick of speech or behavior that strikes the observer as insincere<the posh accent is an affectation>. mannerism applies to an acquired eccentricity that has become a habit<gesturing with a cigarette was her most noticeable mannerism>.

III. transitive verb (posed; posing)

  • Etymology: short for earlier appose, from Middle English apposen, alteration of opposen to oppose
  • Date: 1593
  • puzzle, baffle

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