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及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.啃咬;掐;咬住;夹住;捏 I nipped my finger in the door.我的手指头让门夹了一下。The dog nipped him in the leg.那只狗咬了他的腿。及物动词 vt.1.伤害;摧残;冻伤 The cold weather has nipped the fruit trees.寒冷的气候冻坏了果树。不及物动词 vi.1.快走;赶快;快速去(某处);急忙赶往 I’ll nip out and buy a newspaper.我赶紧出门买份报纸。2.将…扼杀在萌芽状态;防患于未然 I do not want drugs in this school. It’s essential that we nip the problem in the bud so I want a meeting with all the parents next week.我不希望学校里出现毒品。关键在于防患于未然,下周我要召开全体家长会。The scheme to allow all pensioners a free travel pass was nipped in the bud by the government, who said it would cost too much.政府认为为所有领养老金者提供免费旅游通行证的计划耗资过大,因此刚有人提出就被否决了。3.掐去; 剪掉 She nipped off the dead leaves.她剪掉了枯叶。4.(比赛或竞赛中)势均力敌;不分上下;并驾齐驱 With another 100 metres to go, Jones and Saville are nip and tuck.赛跑还剩100米时,琼斯和萨维尔不相上下。名词 n.1.啃咬;掐2.寒冷;寒意3.少量的烈酒


[编辑] Webster Collegiate

I. verb (nipped; nipping)

  • Etymology: Middle English nippen; akin to Middle Dutch nipen to pinch, Old Norse hnippa to prod
  • Date: 14th century
  • transitive verb
    • 1.
      • a. to catch hold of and squeeze tightly between two surfaces, edges, or points ; pinch, bite <the dog nipped his ankle>
      • b. to pinch in (as a garment) <a dress nipped at the waist>
    • 2.
      • a. to sever by or as if by pinching sharply
      • b. to destroy the growth, progress, or fulfillment of <nipped in the bud>
    • 3. to injure or make numb with cold ; chill
    • 4. snatch, steal
    • 5. to defeat by a small margin
  • intransitive verb
    • 1. to move briskly, nimbly, or quickly
    • 2. chiefly British to make a quick trip

II. noun

  • Date: 1549
  • 1. something that nips: as
    • a. archaic a sharp biting comment
    • b. a sharp stinging cold <a nip in the air>
    • c. a biting or pungent flavor ; tang <cheese with a nip>
  • 2. the act of nipping ; pinch, bite
  • 3. the region of a squeezing or crushing device (as a calender) where the rolls or jaws are closest together
  • 4. a small portion

III. noun

  • Etymology: probably from nipperkin, a liquor container
  • Date: circa 1796
  • a small quantity of liquor ; sip; also a very small bottle of liquor

IV. intransitive verb (nipped; nipping)

  • Date: 1887
  • to take liquor in nips ; tipple

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