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GRE Barron 考研


[编辑] 解释

[编辑] GRE 红宝书

  • adj. 书页空白处的; 不重要的
  • [英] adj. 书页空白处的;不重要的 ( limited, minimal)
  • [记] 来自margin ( 边缘) +al
  • [例] a matter of marginal importance ( 微不足道的事情)

[编辑] Webster Collegiate


  • Etymology: Medieval Latin marginalis, from Latin margin-, margo
  • Date: 1573
  • 1. written or printed in the margin of a page or sheet <marginal notes>
  • 2.
    • a. of, relating to, or situated at a margin or border
    • b. not of central importance <regards violence as a marginal rather than a central problem>; also limited in extent, significance, or stature <had only marginal success with the business>
    • c.
      • (1) occupying the borderland of a relatively stable territorial or cultural area <marginal tribes>
      • (2) characterized by the incorporation of habits and values from two divergent cultures and by incomplete assimilation in either <the marginal cultural habits of new immigrant groups>
      • (3) excluded from or existing outside the mainstream of society, a group, or a school of thought <marginal voters>
  • 3. located at the fringe of consciousness <marginal sensations>
  • 4.
    • a. close to the lower limit of qualification, acceptability, or function ; barely exceeding the minimum requirements <a semiliterate person of marginal ability>
    • b.
      • (1) having a character or capacity fitted to yield a supply of goods which when marketed at existing price levels will barely cover the cost of production <marginal land>
      • (2) of, relating to, or derived from goods produced and marketed with such result <marginal profits>
  • 5. relating to or being a function of a random variable that is obtained from a function of several random variables by integrating or summing over all possible values of the other variables <a marginal probability function>
  • ? marginality noun
  • ? marginally adverb

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